Saturday, July 18, 2009

What to expect when you're expecting!

When a woman is expecting a baby, she should expect a lot of changes in her body like all the hormonal changes and what accompanies that and of course the famous morning sickness - which by the way doesn't have to be in the morning - and many other symptoms.

I was safe from all that, except for a few small issues. I am a man. Man's role in that period is less physical than the woman's.
But it's not less, men have the "supporting" role which is not as easy at it sounds. As a man you have to be kind, you have to always be there for her when she is vomiting holding her so she could feel you there.
As a man you have to -among other things too- help around the house, you have to clean and make breakfast and make sure that she takes her medication -if any.
you may not get appreciated for all the help you give, you may be accused of having it easy.
you may be looked at as the reason for the pain she is going through, you and your sperms did this.

You have to be patient, you have to be calm and give more support, you will be rewarded later, if not by her then by the fact that you will have a baby.
Rest assured that this woman is not acting out of herself when she is nervous or crying or shouting, it's hormones talking not her!

Man's greatest duty in the 'Expecting Period' is to deal with the mother-to-be 'Mood Swings'.
I had my share of that during the first 3~4 month.

My only advice to any man, is to be calm and always be supportive.