Saturday, July 18, 2009

A boy or a girl?

As soon as we accepted the fact that we are having a baby, the question popped up.
is it a boy or a girl?
Technically -as far as I know- you cannot know before the ned of the 4th month and even at that time or later you cannot be sure of teh gender until the you hold the baby and look between his/her legs, yet the mother started to ask the question, and insist on an answer even if the naswer is just based on your hunch.
My wife is persistent and she is somehow - not sure of the right term to use here- methodical. She got online and started reading everything related to that matter, a full research from medical resources to common knowledge.
The X part of the sperm is weak so the conception was done late then it's a higher chance of having a girl and so on.
and after the research she decided that we have higher chances of having a girl, and since we both wanted a girl then we gave the baby a name and started talking to her and about her.

beginning of the 6th month, we go to our ultrasound and the technician gives us the big news, it's a boy! tatatan tesh...she is not sure but it seems so.

that was hard on her, she wantd a girl and was dreaming about it, but I was indifferent, it was all the same to me a boy or a girl I'm fine.
Althiugh i can't deny that I would have loved to have a girl, I think girls are nicer and easier to deal with
I don't know why but I don't like boys in the age of 7 and up till they are done with the teen age years, unlike girls, they seem nice to me all the time.

I don't have doubts that i will love my baby once it's born but for now i don't feel much for it, and it makes no difference if it's a boy or a girl.